Daily Reel #16.
I thought I’d start off June right with a Daily Reel image that is definitely one of, if not my most, well known images I’ve ever shot. This photo happens to be the cover of The Chariot’s 4th full length album, “Long Live” (pictured below). At this point in my life, I had only been…

Daily Reel #14.
This is an image from one of the recent shoots I’ve done with music artist Chadd. He’s headed to LA to work with some producers on his new single. Exciting things happening for this guy, which is great because he is an awesome dude. I’ll be posting a full post about this shoot in the…

Daily Reel #13.
A continuation from yesterday’s post, today is an interior of The Fox Theatre in Atlanta. The hallway you see is located on the 3rd floor, it leads into the 3rd level balcony seats. It was one of the darkest shots I’ve ever had to take. I previously mentioned in the last post that before this…

Daily Reel #12.
Today’s shot is a one of my final 4×5 film images for Architecture in college. I honestly didn’t enjoy Architecture until this final project. I couldn’t stand photos of boring architecture, especially houses… which was what I shot most of in that class. But I wanted something awesome for my final project. So after calling…

Daily Reel #11.
Today’s image is of Brandon Henderson, guitarist of The Chariot, Grade A Fisherman, and all-around awesome guy. That red Kool-aid stuff is blood. How did it happen? He popped himself in the face with Stevis’ custom guitar, as seen right there with blood all over it. He played for about 5 more minutes after that…

Daily Reel #9.
Paul Wood! One of my best friends. Paul was assisting on one of my shoots with Larkin Poe back in 2011. He’s assisted me a few times and funny enough, he’s assisting me tomorrow! He’s a great assistant for a few reasons; He’s always on time, he does what I need him to do…

Daily Reel #7.
I can’t believe I haven’t posted about this shoot I had with Trey Moseley. Last year, during a spurt of personal shoots I wanted to document some people I knew how are extremely driven and talented. Shoot some good ole environmental portraits and snap a few of them in action. The reason why I never…

Daily Reel #5.
After an awesome weekend, back to the Daily Reel! Sticking with the Warped Tour 2012 theme from last Friday, I shot my friends in Vanna. I met these guys back in 2010 on the first tour I did with The Chariot. All these guys have always been super kind and supportive of what I do.…

Daily Reel #3.
Today’s photo is one an image from the last show of the second tour I did with The Chariot back in 2011. I know I am posting a lot from 2011, but I’ve just found a whole lot of images that need to be shown. This image is of Stevis, at the end of their…

Daily Reel #1.
Today marks number 1 of my Daily Reel. I have a ton of photos that I shoot at shoots, at shows, and in my personal time that don’t make it to my portfolio or I shot on film and it took me forever to go get them developed. I wanted to start a daily posting…

The Color Run 2013.
HERE’S PART 1: The Color Run claims it’s the happiest 5k on the Planet… well I would definitely concur. This is the second time I have shot the infamous Color Run and it was even better than the first. Travis, The Color Run CEO & Founder, hired me to come back this year’s run…

Anderson Indigo.
So pumped about what has been going on recently. More on that in another post. THIS Post is about Anderson Duncan and his new project, Anderson Indigo. Anderson came to me with the idea of shooting his promos alongside his video and then celebrating the release and all the hard work with his close friends…

Larkin Poe & Blair Dunlop.
Larkin Poe v4.0, featuring Blair Dunlop, singer/song writer and co-writer on the new collaborated full length they will be releasing with Rooksmere Records. We shot these promotional images for the new album at the Goat Farm in Atlanta. I’ve known about the Goat Farm for years but never had a reason to shoot there. I…

Valerie Franco.
When I was out in California in June, I had the great honor to shoot with the super sweet Valerie Franco, drummer for Allison Iraheta, Quinn Ivory, Priscilla Fire, amongst others. I met Val a couple years back when she was on tour and have stayed in touch since, so when she hit me up…

Air Fax, Airline Marketing Associates, Inc.
Carol Leone of Air Fax, hired me to shoot some photos for their new website soon to launch. The main photo we need is the shot above. The rest were extras for the company. The day was gorgeous and made for some pretty dynamic images. There will be likely more images in the future, but…

Comeback Kid & Foundation (S&C Tour) Part II.
Here is the second part of the Comeback Kid, Symptoms & Cures tour, from Douglasville, GA at the 7 Venue. This post is made up of photos of Atlanta’s own Foundation and Comeback Kid themselves. You may have seen my photos from the last time I shot CBK up in Chattanooga with This Is Hell…