My Dad! (Quick Shot from this Evening)

undefined This is my Dad! (He’ll probably kill me for posting this) I was driving home from picking up Little Caesar’s (Yeah! you heard me!) and the sky was just incredible. I realized I still haven’t gotten out of that Winter Funk that seems to happen every year. But, BAM! I was stoked on this sky and knew when I got home, whoever was closest for me to grab, whether it be a family member or my neighbor Jasmine, I was going to get a quick shot. I knew what it was going to look like for a shot peering down my street so I thought out the shot in my head and hurried home. Once I got home, looky thur! my Dad was home from work. So I got him to come outside, posted up my B1600, had it on 1/32 Power, already had a 40 degree grid on so I ran with it, checked my exposure and Ta Da. Nothing fancy, but it got my blood rushing, it made me work fast and create the image I had in my head. I need to keep shooting, if you call yourself a photographer, you need to keep shooting, whether it is a big job or just a quick inspired moment, we should be shooting often. Every time we touch the camera there is huge potential to grow. If not grow, then at least joy springs up.

Also, I get to brag on my Dad for a second. Seriously, I have the best Dad in the world. Many people say that about their Dads, which is awesome! I feel honored I get to say that about mine. You can’t really tell but he’s still half way in his uniform. He’s a Chief now for a private Paramedic & Fire Fighter service, so he’s been a paramedic since before I was born. That to say, he has seen just about every heavy situation when it comes to death and pain… yet he is still one of the most loving, gracious, selfless men, and best examples of what a Father, a Husband, and a Leader should be. A true Gentleman. I do not know who I’d be without him, my mom, and my family. He has some of the craziest stories and has lived truly interesting life. He has led this family with unnatural faith and been a stronghold consistently. If I can be half the man my Dad is, it would be an honor. So yeah, I love my Dad and my family immensely if you cannot tell. Them and Grace is why I’m able to do anything with photography, no matter where it goes.

Stoked to post new work with my good friends Dan Smith (of Listener) and Robert & Michelle (who are engaged!).

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