The Chariot: Shreveport, LA (Final Show of Tour)
This is it, the final Ghostbustour set. I have soooo much video from this day that will definitely be posted soon. This was one of the best shows of tour, more so for nostalgia, but a great show none-the-less. A couple of things: 1. The photos at the start of this when everyone is throwing…

The Chariot: Fort Worth, TX.
This show was sick! It was Octoberfest in Fort Worth, TX. A lot of fun bands played like Take It Back! So many bands and soooo much rain that day. The kids were great and again, met so many great people. Met a kid from a band called, Sound The Ruin, who informed me of…

The Chariot: San Antonio, TX.
San Antonio, TX was a great show. Great turn out, awesome kids, and geeked out with my friend Nick from Vanna and my friend, Peta 2 volunteer, Fernando, with introducing each other to new bands, swapping music, and giving each other rare stuff we’ve been looking for… I had to put this cause it was…

The Chariot: Houston, TX.
Houston, TX was a good day. We actually got to see a bit of the city! I also have a bunch of footage from this show that I can’t wait to put up. The kids were awesome, I met so many great people at that show. I also met this rad young girl picking up…

The Chariot: El Paso, TX.
So this begins the last posts of The Chariot on the Ghostbustour. Took long enough, I know. I actually had all the top selects from this tour done months ago for The Chariot to have images for their promotional uses, the posters, shirts, & the “Music Of A Grateful Heart” 7″ (click to see) they…

My Dad! (Quick Shot from this Evening)
This is my Dad! (He’ll probably kill me for posting this) I was driving home from picking up Little Caesar’s (Yeah! you heard me!) and the sky was just incredible. I realized I still haven’t gotten out of that Winter Funk that seems to happen every year. But, BAM! I was stoked on this sky…

The Chariot: Albuquerque, NM.
Albuquerque, NM was a fun show to light and photograph, coming from a photographers perspective. Having balcony always is great for those of you who know the trouble of using strobes in Venues. Also, BIG thanks to the gals in POEMA and their family for letting us crash at their place. Such an awesome and…

The Chariot: Mesa, AZ.
Mesa, Arizon has a small, somewhat funny story. When we arrived, we walked around to what we thought was the front of the venue, peered inside the big glass window… a room that was big enough for maybe 100 kids with a stage about 3 inches off the ground. We were stoked! Went to load-in…

The Chariot: Anaheim, CA.
ANAHEIM! Yeah, so this day… this day honestly was one of the best days of the tour. The show was too great, I’ve always heard great things about The Chain Reaction with a lot of my favorite bands having passed through there and it was great to see Southern California let it all go. Also,…

The Chariot: Orangevale, CA.
I remember some good things about Orangevale, one being the weather was toooo great that day. Met some really great people from Sacramento and ate some good food. Also the sound guy from The Boardwalk was toooooo cool. I miss California. MORE PHOTOS AFTER THE JUMP!

The Chariot: Portland, OR.
Portland, now… Maybe it was because that night was insane in general with someone taking a crap on the Van, shooting the Meet & Greet for IWABO, busting it while I was trying to set up my gear, some people we ran into on the street, so on and so forth… but I forgot how…

The Chariot: Seattle, WA.
Seattle, WA was a great city and great show! Kids were great and I had a very good burrito on the way to the famous Market… Where I tried Smoked Salmon…… aaaand I actually liked it! That’s saying a lot because I really don’t like fish. There is some good footage coming from this and…

Elevation: Nashville, TN
It just so happens, back in December, as I was visiting Nashville, a good friend of mine in Elevation told me they’d be in town. Funny enough, first time I got shots of these dudes, it isn’t in Atlanta. They are coming out with a new record soon called “Hell or High Water”. So, I’m…

The Chariot: Spokane, WA.
The Chariot in Spokane, WA. Fun stage, great people, fun show! FOR MORE PHOTOS FROM SPOKANE, CLICK THE LINK BELOW!

The Chariot: Boise, ID.
Boise, ID! This was a special show for a few reasons. Numero Uno: I got to hang out with my beautiful friend Danika McClure for a good portion of the day! Numero Dos: It was my Birthday! Which was just cool. We got to take a little look around Boise (mainly it’s Best Buy so…

The Chariot: Salt Lake City, UT.
THIS ONE’S FOR YOU RICCO! Salt Lake City, UT was a good show, only there aren’t a lot of images or video due to uncontrollable circumstances that make up for one good story… maybe one day I can share for a good #tourstories. This post is half for my good bud Ricco Cordova (Chelsea Grin’s…

The Chariot: Denver, CO.
So more The Chariot updates. Denver, CO was a sick show, full of energy and the kids were super rad. I left Denver with some new friends and hope to tour back through some day in the near future. A bunch of the kids I met also provided The Chariot with some of their sticker/T-shirt…

Stray From The Path & Cancer Bats.
Mid December, Stray From The Path & Cancer Bats ended their Canada/East Coast Tour with The Chariot in Douglasville, GA at The 7 Venue. I have photos of The Chariot too, but those will come later, I wanted to go ahead and get these 2 bands up. Both Stray and Cancer Bats were sick. It’s…