The Chariot: Des Moines, IA.
Des Moines, Iowa! We love small stages, right up with everyone, makes for a fun, intimate show. And just incase you’ve been under a rock or on the crack kind, “LONG LIVE” released this past Monday, November 22nd and is available at most of those places you buy your albums. Go get it son! MORE…

The Chariot: Chicago, IL
The Chariot: Chicago, IL from Brian Hall on Vimeo. This is video footage from The Chariot’s show in Chicago, IL on 10.06.2010. at the Bottom Lounge. With this post I have learned that… I have a lot more to learn about uploading video haha. But, I’m glad I got this up and the quality is…

The Chariot: Indianapolis, IN.
Indianapolis, IN show at The Emerson Theater. Solid show and great kids! MORE PHOTOS AFTER THE JUMP!

The Chariot: Cleveland, OH.
OOOHIOOOOOO! Cleveland, OH at that. Great crowd and a fun show. The shot above has a couple of paired photos to go with it. One thing about letting go and going for stage dives, pillar climbs, ceiling swings, and the like, is… you don’t really know how it’ll end. TO SEE JOSH FALL CLICK BELOW!

The Chariot: Pittsburg, PA.
Here are the shots from Pittsburg, PA. Fun show, cool kids, and funny venue. Felt like a fish tank, fun place, just funny. MORE PHOTOS AFTER THE JUMP!

Vanna: Worcester, MA.
Vanna, I could describe as “Home Town Heroes”. Honestly, Mass. loves Vanna as much as Vanna love Mass. I don’t blame them at all, because of this tour we made great friends with one another and I look forward to seeing these brothers as soon as possible. They are great guys with big hearts and…

The Chariot: Worcester, MA.
Worcester, Massachusetts was quite the dang show! So good that it’s a double feature, in a sense, because not only is a community that enjoys The Chariot, but also happens to be the home town of our good friends in Vanna, who are dearly loved by their community and set the daggum place off! I…

The Chariot: Clifton Park, NY.
The kids up in Clifton Park, NY made this show tons of fun. I really enjoyed going through these images and having fun with a few of them. Thanks New York! MORE PHOTOGRAPHS AFTER THE JUMP!

The Chariot: New York City, NY.
AH! Home! Finally back from traveling a good bit, so now starts the bulk of posts from all of the days of tour. Next time, I’ll have the hang of getting up something daily, but thanks for baring with me! “New York, New YORRRRRRK!” This was from our show at the Santos Party House in…

The Chariot: Lancaster, PA.
Lancaster, PA! I enjoyed shooting this set, as I do for all of them, but this venue allowed me a lot of running around room, which I tend to do a bit. I hope yall have been keeping up with The Chariot on twitter! Lots of stuff happening right now. New Release set for November…

The Chariot: Richmond, VA.
So this post I was able to put together a little video from the show along with a few photos. I have a bunch of footage of us running around Richmond and showing the almost bad situation of our trailer breaking down, but all went well thanks to the awesome staff the Canal Club for…

The Chariot: Greensboro, NC.
These are shots from Greensboro, NC at the Greene Street Venue. This was a great show, can’t be bad if Wolf jumps from the second story. MORE AFTER THE JUMP-A-ROO!

The Chariot: Atlanta, GA! (Home)
No place like home! These are shots from the Atlanta show of this tour. It was a dang blast as always, we love our home and our community! MORE AFTER THE JUMP!

The Chariot: Metairie, LA.
Here are some shots from the Louisiana show. Those kids were dang great and we had a ton of fun. MORE AFTER THE JUMP!

The Chariot: Birmingham, AL.
ABOUT TIME! I know I know, we’ve been on the road now for 14 days and I’m finally getting the images up. Things have been crazy since day 1, but I’m soooo stoked to get these images up! Thanks to all of you for contacting me about the images and supporting these dudes. I’m posting…

Larkin Poe.
Rebecca & Megan Lovell, the beautiful gal duo that make up Larkin Poe, are two of the coolest girls and musicians that I have had the honor of working with. We shot for the new EP package they are putting together for each season. Spring & Summer are already available sooooo I highly suggest to…

Jane Bryant.
I shot with Jane last month in Nashville, TN for her new EP that will be coming out shortly. Jane is an awesome singer/songwriter out of Austin, Texas, you can check out her music here… http://myspace.com/janeellenbryant. I had a great time working with Jane, she’s a beaut! and a ton of fun. Big thanks to…

Allie Brady & Nikki Rath of Toni & Guy.
These shots are from a shoot with Make-Up Artist Allie Brady and Hair Stylist Nikki Rath of Toni & Guy. Most are for their National Competition coming up this year. I was so stoked to be working with Allie again (if some of you remember the last time I worked with her, she’s tooooo sick!).…