Great Shoot with Whitney Jetton.
So yeah, yesterday I had a great shoot with my good friend Whitney Jetton. We had a great time and I’m stoked about the results. I posted a few on my Flickr so check them all out, tell me what you think. I tried out some new techniques and again, I really liked the results.…

The Summer and Rebekah Joiner.
Ahhhh DUDE! I am so not ready for this summer “vacation” to end. It has been so amazing and even though, yes, I am exited about finishing school, I just want to have a little more time to keep what the last 3 weeks have held. I didn’t shoot as much as I would have…

The Fox Theatre of Atlanta.
I just posted my Architecture Final Four on my Flickr. I’m not much of an Architectural Photographer, but I tried and these were the results. I was happy with them to say the least and I couldn’t have done it without the help of Lindsey Edwards, Denise Benson, Jessica Elliott, and Evelyn Mendoza. Each helped…

Tea Party Protest.
Yesterday, April 15th, 2009 was the first official Anti-Tax Tea Party. People gathered to protest the government’s overspending and unconstitutional acts. I unfortunately had arrived late and had to leave earlier than expected, but what I saw was truly inspiring. There were people of all ages, from children to elderly, all races, different political parties,…

First 4×5 Portrait.
This is my brother Matt once again. This was my first attempt at a 4×5 Portrait. I love shallow depth on portraits so I shot pretty open. I was happy to see it came out sharp, I’m stoked to start trying chrome portraits!

Real Hope Finally.
Mankind I have finally been able to get on the Real Hope Fest Photos I shot in November. I have been super busy between school, work, and other photo jobs to sit down with all of these photos. I am am almost done with them all, I am really just finishing up some final…

Denis Reggie.
I can honestly say I learned a great bit and am, once again, stoked for tomorrow’s session. We learned about “foofing” which is bouncing light, but with style. I understand now, why and how has taken Wedding Photography to a whole new level and carried it as far as he has. I am truly honored…

Photo Walk Number Three.
Today we had our Third Official PhotoWalk on the East Side of Atlanta. It was a success if I do say so myself. We found some really good treasure that would be considered the resident’s junk, like couches and your every day good ol’ recliner. It was a little bit shorter this time, but we’ll…

Film, Good To Get Back To.
So, I developed two rolls of Color Film today at work. This shot is from the Kodak Portra 400 roll. The colors and detail came out real nice. The other roll of FujiFilm 400 came out pretty nice as well. This shot is similar to a photo I shot for my first final four, which…

More from Tuesday!
I’m still sifting through all of the photos from Tuesday and I’m enjoying it a lot. I am stoked about everything that is happening in the PhotoWorld lately. Check out some of the photos from Jessica’s, Kevin’s, and Ryan’s Flickrs. Oh! And film photos are coming super soon as well.

Inauguration Day/First Official Photo Walk.
Another photo from yesterday’s Day of Photography downtown. This was after the Inauguration when we decided to head out and spend the day just snapping everything. We came across a man named… Carl? I think I remember him saying. He was on the street corner advertising for a Bank. This homeless man came up to…

Inauguration Day for Barak Obama in Atlanta.
At first I was really bummed my plans fell through for going to D.C…. But after today, I am very glad I did not go. The experience in Centennial Olympic Park was great, it was beautiful to see all the emotions. But the experience that really made the day was just getting to spend time with a…

Of The Vine Promos.
I just shot some promos with the band Of The Vine. These are some of the greatest and most humble dudes out there. Their music is beautiful and I cannot imagine the places they are going to go. I have only uploaded this photo on Flickr, but I will be uploading a bunch more once…

Executive Portrait: Chef Keri.
I shot my Executive Portrait today. I drew Chef Keri… and right away I knew I had to step it up. Luke Allerdice, last year graduate, shot her last year for his EP. I was stoked to get to shoot her, because she I heard she was great to work with, but I knew I…

Missions Photography.
People ask me where I am heading after school, what field I am interested in, and etc. etc. I tell everyone, “Missions Photography”. If you do not know what that is, it is basically documenting missionaries, their work, and the people group they are trying to reach, while I myself am apart of ministering in…

Women’s Prison 2.
So I went back to the Women’s Prison again with Lindsay and Jayne. We found out that it might have held more than just Women there, but since I have named everything under Women’s Prison, I’ll just keep referring it as that. This time though, when I was finishing up my last shots, Lindsay and…